About Us

The KW Sentro Children’s Choir

In September 2023, we established the KW Sentro Children’s Choir, where children from all communities will have the opportunity to learn Filipino music through developmentally appropriate pedagogy. They will also learn and practice their Tagalog language skills, as well as immerse themselves in Filipino customs and values in an open and welcoming environment.

The KW Sentro Adult Choir

Our adult choir, the Filipino Community Singing Group, was established in February 2023 as a research project investigating racism, discrimination, and culture reclamation in the Filipino-Canadian diaspora. The choir welcomes members of all communities in KW as well as members of the Filipino-Canadian community. The choir has performed extensively in the community, collaborating with Inshallah Community Choir and participating in Filipino-centered events at Wilfrid Laurier University. Through each performance, we celebrate our pride and passion for Filipino music and culture through communal singing.

KW Sentro aligns itself with research being conducted by Executive & Artistic Director, Dion Flores, at Wilfrid Laurier University. Below are the proposed chapters of his manuscript-based dissertation for his doctoral studies in community psychology focusing on music and Filipino diaspora studies. Each chapter addresses a critical issue in the Filipino-Canadian diaspora that will explore the development of a curriculum for Filipino-Canadian Diasporic Community Music Theory and Practice in order to treat intergenerational trauma and colonial mentality

Thesis:  Developing and implementing Filipino-Canadian diasporic community music theory and practice as a curriculum and mechanism to treat and mitigate the effects of colonialism in the Filipino communities of Southern Ontario.

  • Addressing Intergenerational Language and Cultural Loss in a Multi-generational Filipino-Canadian Community in Southern Ontario
  • Truth and Reconciliation in the Filipino Diaspora: (Re)discovering Precolonial Filipino Indigeneity
  • Pathways to Mental and Structural Liberation from Oppression in the Filipino Diaspora
  • Colonialism and White Supremacy’s Effect on Filipino Mental and Physical Health
  • Filipino Diasporic Dissent and Activism: Resistance against Colonizing and Imperialist Powers
  • Fostering Solidarity and Social and Political Organization between Equity/Justice-demanding groups to Confront Systemic Injustice and White Supremacy: The Filipino-Canadian Perspective